In order to embed this video, you must place an iframe in your page, and load a special HTML page (URL specified below) showing the player. Language and quality selection are inside the player controls.
Please note that the videos from SCIC Streaming contain cookies. However, for reasons of usability and convenience for the user, in case of embedded videos cookie consent is disabled. Therefore it is the responsibility of the website owner/administrator to inform users about cookie use and request the acceptance of it.
Step-by-step instructions
In the HTML source of the page in which you want to show the video, place an iframe element in the location where the player is to be shown. Example :
Set the name and id attributes to anything that is valid and unique on the page. For example "player" or something similar. If you intend to show multiple videos on your page, make sure that each iframe has a different name.
Set the width and height attributes to the desired frame size. Keep the aspect ratio (16:9 in most cases) in mind. Example calculation: if width=600px, then 600 / (16:9=1.777) = 338 height.
Set the scrolling attribute to off.
Set the style attribute to hidden.
Set the allowFullScreen tags and browser specific variants. This allows the HTML5 fullscreen API to work in iframe-tags.
Set the frameBorder attribute to 0.
Finally, set the src attribute to :
Advanced parameters
The embedding URL can be modified to suit your needs using GET parameters:
language: the initial video language the player loads (or for original, nl, fr, de, ..)
autostart: automatically start playing the video on page load (true/false)
quality: the initial video stream quality (high, medium, low)